Trash and Recycling

Holiday Collection Schedule
We collect garbage, recycling, yard waste and bulky waste on all holidays except for the following listed below. During observed holiday weeks, all collection services will operate on a one-day delay with Friday customers receiving service on Saturday.
Subscribe for service impact updates by texting your collection day of the week to 73224.
Martin Luther King Jr. - Monday, January 20
Friday collection on January 25
Juneteenth - Thursday, June 19
Friday collection on June 21
Thanksgiving - Thursday, November 27
Friday collection on November 29
Christmas - Thursday, December 25
Friday collection on December 27
Experienced a Missed Collection?
Solid Waste Services staff are committed to providing collection services (garbage, yard waste, recycling, and scheduled bulky items) on your assigned day and week of collection. While the exact time of service may vary each week, our aim is to consistently deliver collection on your assigned day and week, ensuring a reliable waste management system for our community.
If you believe your garbage, yard waste, recyclables, or scheduled bulky items were not collected on your assigned day, or you experience and issue with your service, remember that your prompt action is crucial. Call CharMeck 311 (704.336.7600) and report any collection issue, including misses, within 48 hours of the issue. Your timely reporting will ensure a timely resolution, making you an active part of the solution.
Who We Are
City of Charlotte Solid Waste Services provides Charlotte residents with garbage, recycling, yard and bulky waste collection services. We are committed to partnering with the community to ensure a green and sustainable future. Our mission is to remain customer-focused and continually evolve to adopt more convenient, environmentally friendly solutions to help keep Charlotte clean.
You can view our administrative policy, which provides guidelines for operations and how items should be prepared.
Work With Us
Charlotte is the largest municipality in North Carolina, and the dedicated workers of Solid Waste Services provide its residents with garbage, recycling, yard and bulk waste collection services. Join the team and help accomplish the mission of remaining customer-focused while continually evolving to adopt more convenient, environmentally friendly solutions to keep Charlotte clean.
Become a member of Team Charlotte today!
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