Lakeview Road Improvements

  • Project typeTransportation
  • Project budget$14.83 million
  • Project phaseConstruction

Lakeview Road before improvements, with no sidewalk and one lane in each direction

Project Overview

This project will add transportation capacity along Lakeview Road from Cushing Drive to Old Statesville Road and accommodate the additional traffic expected as a result of the construction of North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) I-77 Lakeview Road Direct Connect Interchange(PDF, 6MB). Intersection modifications, additional through/turning lanes, pedestrian facilities and bicycle facilities will be considered. 

Roadway modifications will likely be limited to those that can be constructed within the existing public right-of-way with minimal impact to utilities. The project limits are along Lakeview Road from Old Statesville Road (NC115) to Cushing Drive.

The project area is dense with City and NCDOT projects in different phases of planning, design and construction. 

Rendering of cross section of Lakeview Road with a shared-use path one one side of the road, planting strips on both sides, turning lanes and travel lanes on either side

Rendering of the roadway after project completion; for illustrative purposes only.

Nearby City of Charlotte Projects

Nearby NC Department of Transportation Projects

We will make every effort to coordinate our work with all of these adjoining projects; however, please be aware that they each have separate funding sources, schedules, project teams and priorities.

Project Goals

  • To evaluate the entire Lakeview corridor in order to study the effects of increased vehicular traffic caused by NCDOT's Lakeview Road Direct Connect Interchange project.

  • To analyze key intersections within the corridor and consider opportunities to increase vehicular capacity and design key features to accommodate pedestrian and bicycle traffic. 

  • To make modifications to the corridor that can improve travel conditions for motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and transit users in the area

Public Involvement

During the planning phase, the project team will work with the community to provide insight to the conceptual design. Community meetings will be scheduled throughout the project to keep residents informed and to provide opportunities to share ideas, concerns and opinions with city and state planners and project managers. Details of those meetings will be posted on this page once they are scheduled.

Past Public Meetings

  • February 19, 2019 at Hornets Nest Elementary
  • May 17, 2018 at David Cox Road Elementary
  • November 2017 - Virtual public meeting

Vicinity Map

aerial view of project area with a yellow line depicting the section of roadway receiving improvements

Preferred Alternative

presented May 17, 2018

Consultant renderings of a two-lane section of road and a three-lane section.