Subdivision Services

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The Subdivision Administration Team works with citizens, the development community, and all interested stakeholders to promote the orderly development of Charlotte and its Sphere of Influence. 

This team is housed within the CLT Development Center, located on the 1st floor of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center. 

Subdivision Process

Where Can I Find Subdivision Regulations

As of June 1, 2023, we have transitioned to the Unified Development Ordinance. Subdivision regulations are located in Article 30. Streets & Other Infrastructure can be found in Articles 29-34.


Subdivision Plan Types

Nonresidential: Projects related to a new street, a new street right-of-way or a change in existing street.

Residential: For developments of single family detached, duplex, triplex and/or quadruplex on individual lots in the N1and N2A/B districts.

Multi Family: For projects that meet the definition of a multi-dwelling development, as defined use in Article 15.

Mixed Use: Used for mixed residential and commercial projects.

How Is A Subdivision Plan Approved

In Charlotte and Mecklenburg County a proposal to subdivide land must be approved by the Planning Department before the actual dividing of land and constructing of improvements can begin.

Since the City and County governments are separate governing bodies, two almost identical ordinances are used: the City of Charlotte Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and the Mecklenburg County Subdivision Ordinance.

The Planning Department coordinates the use of these ordinances in the review and approval of all subdivision proposals. Generally the approval process is completed in two phases: the preliminary plan phase and the record map phase.


Preliminary Plan Phase

Sketch Plans are not required but are highly encouraged by staff. A sketch plan is submitted for review before the actual preliminary plan is formally submitted and a great mechanism to receive feedback. (Article 30.5)

A Preliminary Plan is submitted to the Planning department by the applicant via Accela. The plan shows details of street construction, lot layout, storm drains, creeks, and adjacent properties (Article 30.6). The plan should be prepared by a registered landscape architect, engineer, or land surveyor.

Once the preliminary plan is submitted, it’s in the Gateway Phase to determine if the plan is submitted correctly and apply the fee accordingly. Once the fee is paid the review process begins.

Depending on the plan, Planning Department staff Assigns Review Tasks to City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County and State of North Carolina departments when required.

***Once plans have met the city's ordinance requirements, Staff Grants Official Preliminary Plan Approval. Applicants are electronically notified of the results. After a preconstruction meeting, construction can begin.***

Once the preliminary plan is approved the customer can move forward to the Record Map Phase.



Record Map Process

To Record A Map (Final or Exempt), the map must be submitted by the surveyor/applicant to Planning Development staff via Accela Citizen Access. The map shall be prepared by a registered land surveyor. The map criteria can be found in Article 30.7, plat checklist and comply with G.S 47-30.2.

Once the map is submitted, it’s in the Gateway Phase to determine if the plat is submitted correctly and apply the fee accordingly. Once the fee is paid the review process begins. Planning Department staff assigns review tasks to City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County and State of North Carolina departments when it is required.

Reviewers (associated with their respected departments) Approve his/her review. ***If improvements are required the plat can not be signed until the bond is posted.***

Planning Department Staff Grants Official Approval to record the map and electronically notifies the applicant.

Once the plat is approved the applicant will need to Submit The Approved Mylar to the planning department For Signatures. The applicant is responsible to take the mylar to Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds. *** If NCDOT review is required the order of signature are Planning Department, NCDOT and Review Officer. The Review Officer always signs last. 

Signature Information(PDF, 97KB)

Once the Plat Is Recorded at the register of deeds, the lots in question are considered to be in accordance with the applicable UDO / subdivision ordinance.


Types of Residential Development

Single Family

Development within Neighborhood 1 (N1) zoning is considered single family. With the implementation of the UDO, duplexes and triplexes are now allowed on a single family (N1) zoned lot. Quadplex maybe allowed in the N1 zoning district and will need to comply with the prescribed conditions of Article 15. Single family development is allowed in Neighborhood 2 (N2) with prescribed conditions (Article 15).


Multi-Family Stacked or Attached

Multi-Family Dwelling Attached Unit: Attached unit design refers to multi-family residential structure designed with primarily side-by-side dwelling units, each with an individual entry. Units may or may not be on sublots.

Multi-Family Dwelling Stacked Unit: Stacked unit design refers to multi-family residential structure designed with multiple dwelling units accessed by one or more common entryways. Units may have individual entrances for ground floor units.


Alternative Residential Development Options

Conservation Residential Development: A conservation residential development permits a reduction in lot size in exchange for the provision of open space beyond the requirements of this Ordinance, allowing for efficient use of land and preservation of natural resources. (Article 4.5)

Voluntary Mixed-Income Residential Development: A voluntary mixed-income residential development allows for an increase in development intensity in exchange for the provision of a mixture of affordable and market-rate housing units, expanding housing options and opportunities within the City. (Article 4.5)


Mixed Use

A subdivision development plan that includes a mixture of uses such as single family detached and multi-dwelling stacked, or residential and commercial, or is in a legacy MX zoning district.


Types of Plats

Major Final Plat

Major Final Plats: 15-day review cycle after payment for each review

Standard Subdivisions Include:

  1.  All divisions of a tract or parcel of land into two or more lots, building sites, or other divisions for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or building development whether residential or nonresidential.

  2.   Residential and nonresidential multiple building site and multi-site projects even if there is no division of the underlying land into separate parcels which is to be recorded with the County Register of Deeds.

  3.  All divisions of land involving the dedication of a new street or a new street right-of-way or a change in existing streets

For further clarification  please refer to Article 29


Minor Final Plat

Minor Final Plats: 15-day review cycle after payment for each review

Minor subdivision means a subdivision that is not otherwise exempt from this article and that does not involve any of the following: 

  1. The creation of any new public street or street right-of-way.

  2.  The extension of any needed rights-of-way or easements for the water or sewer system operated by Charlotte Water. 

  3.  The installation of drainage improvements through one or more lots to serve one or more other lots. 

  4.  The installation of a private wastewater treatment plant or a private water supply system for more than one lot or building site.

For further clarification  please refer to Article 29

Exempt Plat

Exempt plats: 5-day review cycle after payment for each review

Common exceptions to subdivision include but are not limited to:

 1. The combination or recombination of portions of parcels created and recorded where the total number of parcels or lots is not increased 2. The division of land into parcels greater than ten acres where no street right-of-way dedication is involved.

 2. The division of a tract in single ownership whose entire area is no greater than two acres into not more than three lots, where no street right-of-way dedication is involved and where the resultant lots are equal to or exceed the standards of the appropriate zoning classification. 

For additional exemptions, please refer to Article 29


Review Timeline


 Action               Time               
 Gateway  3 business days           
 Initial Review of Preliminary Plan        15 business days
 Revision (RTAP)  15 business days
 Sketch Plan  15 business days


 Action               Time               
 Gateway  2 business days           
Major / Minor Plat       15 business days
Exempt Plat  5 business days
Revision  15 business days


Forms / Checklists 

Subdivision Application Form

Property owners must fill out and sign subdivision application prior to plan and plat approval.

Subdivision Plat Checklist

Subdivision Plan Fee Schedule

Subdivision Plat Fee Schedule

Visit Charlotte Development Center for all services, resources, information, and answers needed to navigate the process of development in the City of Charlotte.