Sketch Plans are not required but are highly encouraged by staff. A sketch plan is submitted for review before the actual preliminary plan is formally submitted and a great mechanism to receive feedback. (Article 30.5)
A Preliminary Plan is submitted to the Planning department by the applicant via Accela. The plan shows details of street construction, lot layout, storm drains, creeks, and adjacent properties (Article 30.6). The plan should be prepared by a registered landscape architect, engineer, or land surveyor.
Once the preliminary plan is submitted, it’s in the Gateway Phase to determine if the plan is submitted correctly and apply the fee accordingly. Once the fee is paid the review process begins.
Depending on the plan, Planning Department staff Assigns Review Tasks to City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County and State of North Carolina departments when required.
***Once plans have met the city's ordinance requirements, Staff Grants Official Preliminary Plan Approval. Applicants are electronically notified of the results. After a preconstruction meeting, construction can begin.***
Once the preliminary plan is approved the customer can move forward to the Record Map Phase.