Engagement Assessment: defines the level of public influence over decision-making for
projects, programs or initiatives where there is a decision(s) to be made that key external
stakeholders can affect.
Staff regularly connect with the public for relationship building, resource connection,
problem solving, training, program participation and other efforts where there are not
decisions to be made that key external stakeholders can effect. These additional
connections are not reflected in these metrics.
The number of key stakeholders kept informed throughout the process
but were not actively involved in decision-making.
The number of key stakeholders whose feedback the city gathered,
listened to and acknowledged during the decision-making process.
The number of key stakeholders the city worked directly with to ensure
their concerns and aspirations were consistently understood, considered and directly
reflected in developed options and alternatives.
The number of key stakeholders the city partnered with in each aspect
of decision-making, including developing alternatives and identifying the preferred