Monroe Road Streetscape

  • Project typeEconomic Development, Transportation
  • Project budget$14.375 million (includes all costs associated with the project such as planning and design, acquiring the right-of-way, utility relocation, consultant fees, construction, signalization, permits and landscaping)
  • Project phaseUtility Relocation
photo of existing road with sidewalk up against the curb on both sides of the road  

Project Overview

This project will improve Monroe Road between North Wendover Road and Eaton Road to create a more pedestrian-oriented corridor. The project will also install a pedestrian hybrid beacon in front of Time Out Youth Center. Improvements will primarily include widened sidewalks and mid-block pedestrian crossings.

Project Goals

  • To make the area more pedestrian-friendly

  • To improve green connections

  • To drive business investments

  • To create an additional point of pride for the neighborhood 

rendering of completed roadway, including a shared-use path, planting strip and two travel lanes on either side

Rendering of roadway after project completion. For illustrative purposes only.

Public Involvement

With direction from Charlotte City Council, project teams seek input from the community in order to build better projects and provide better services. Often, this input comes from the public involvement process used when building capital projects. Neighborhood public meetings are conducted by project teams and consultants in order to solicit ideas from nearby businesses and residents affected by the project and identify their concerns. Upcoming meetings will be posted on this page.


Vicinity Map

aerial map of project area with a yellow line depicting the roadway getting improvements