Charlotte Water Cares

Resources are available for families in need. Charlotte Water has a CLTWater Cares program which includes a number of customer assistance programs including:

Home Serve

Home Serve

Charlotte Water has partnered with HomeServe USA to offer an optional solution to eliminate the high cost and stress of unexpected repairs to water and sewer lines.

Most customers do not know they are responsible for the water and sewer lines running to their homes. If these lines break, you could face large, unexpected home repair bills and waste time looking for a qualified plumber when you least expect it.

HomeServe offers protective services for these types of emergencies and will handle all aspects of the service line coverage including billing, customer service, and repair calls. Learn more about optional protection plans for your home's exterior water and sewer service line by contacting HomeServe at 1-833-830-4973.


Who is HomeServe?
HomeServe is an independent company separate from Charlotte Water, based in Norwalk, CT. They partner with many cities, municipalities, and utility companies to protect over 4 million households across the United States and Canada from the financial impact and inconvenience of covered home emergencies.

Why did Charlotte Water partner with HomeServe?
We often receive calls from customers about water leaks that turn out to be on a private exterior water service line. This partnership not only helps raise awareness about service line responsibility, but it also provides an affordable option from a reputable company.

Do I need a protection plan for my home's water or sewer service line?
It is up to you. Some people choose to pay for unplanned expenses out-of-pocket, while others prefer protection plans and extended warranties to avoid large unplanned expenses. We encourage homeowners to consider their individual situation and decide if the service line protection plan is a good fit for them.

If I sign up for HomeServe, who should I contact for questions or to make a claim?
Contact HomeServe at 1-833-830-4973.

Pandemic Assistance

Charlotte Water strongly encourages any customers experiencing financial hardships to seek assistance through one of the two programs listed below.

Our Customer Care Team can help you select the best option for your situation. To speak with the Care Team, please call 311.

Step 1.Crisis Assistance

  • Crisis Assistance provides support and advocacy for people in financial crisis, helping them move toward self-sufficiency. Assistance is available to all Mecklenburg County residents.
  • Applications are accepted only curbside at 500-A Spratt St, Monday – Friday, from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Step 2.New Updates in 2023

Beginning in 2023, Charlotte Water is reinstating previous billing processes:

  • On January 3, 2023, disconnect and reconnect fees will resume. (Reconnect/Disconnect fees are $17 each.)
  • On January 30, 2023, late fees will resume and appear on bills in February. Late fees are 1.5% of past-due charges.

Step 3.Pandemic Assistance Background

  • On March 12, 2020, account disconnections for nonpayment were suspended. Customers who were disconnected at that time were reconnected.
  • As of March 23, 2020, the assessment of late fees associated with delinquent accounts was suspended.
  • On March 31, the Governor of North Carolina issued Executive Order 124 (later extended by Executive Order 142), requiring utilities to discontinue service disconnections for non-payment to reduce hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Executive Order also mandated the suspension of late fee charges on past-due balances.
  • Executive Orders 124 and 142 expired on July 29, 2020.
  • Charlotte Water placed customers with past-due balances as of September 30, 2020, on a 12-month, no-interest payment arrangement.

Leak Adjustment Policy

Adjustments are made on residential, commercial, multi-family, and irrigation accounts for city and private leaks. Leaks are classified as one of the following:

Public Side Leak: The city is responsible for repair and water usage due to leaks on the yoke, tailpiece, or outlet washers.

  • Public Side Leaks will be adjusted to remove 100% of excess water and 100% of excess sewer usage above the average usage for all impacted bills.
  • There is no limit to the number of Public Side leak adjustments a customer can receive.

Private Side Leak: Customers are responsible for repair and water usage due to leaks beyond the meter outlet.

  • Private side leaks will be adjusted to remove 50% of excess water, capped at the Tier 2 rate, and 50% of excess sewer when water is returned to the sewer system for treatment, or 100% of excess sewer when water is not returned to the sewer system for treatment.
  • Private side leak adjustments will be made for the excess for the two highest consecutive months.
  • Only one private leak adjustment is permitted per 12-month rolling period.
  • The customer must provide a plumber's statement and/or receipt confirming that the leak has been repaired before an adjustment can be applied.

Please note that the following causes of leaks/high usage do not qualify for a private side leak adjustment:

  1. Filling pools
  2. Irrigation heads
  3. Sewer charges resulting from irrigation or pool filling from domestic service
  4. Capping off leaking services instead of repairing the leak