Contracting Opportunities
Charlotte Water awards contracts related to improvement, maintenance, and construction of the City's water and wastewater main systems, water, and wastewater treatment plant upgrades and expansions, and related equipment purchases in addition to numerous contracts for commodities and services ranging from engineering to landscaping.
Charlotte Water makes every effort to keep the public informed of bid opportunities in an attempt to solicit as much competition as possible.
Contract Opportunities Procurement Portal Bonfire
City of Charlotte Bonfire Portal
The City of Charlotte is currently conducting a trial of a new electronic solicitation Procurement Portal ( to post solicitations, receive vendor submissions, and communicate with vendors interested in participating in solicitations being conducted with the use of the new Procurement Portal.
Interested Vendors must register through the Procurement Portal to access these solicitations and participate in solicitation activities.
What is Included in the Pilot?
Currently, the pilot includes a limited number of solicitations being conducted by City Procurement and Charlotte Water across the following categories: Architecture and Engineering Services, Commodities, Construction, Services, and Technology.
How to Register
All vendors wishing to view and participate in solicitations on the Procurement Portal must register here - Once you are registered, you may access solicitations, submit questions, and submit responses to solicitations (e.g., Bids, Proposals, Quotes, etc.)
Register as a City Vendor
Charlotte Business INClusion (CBI), Connecting MWSBEs with opportunities