Free/Low-Cost Services

a red button that takes you to where there are tons of low-cost/free resources in the community for pet owners

We are proud to introduce Finding free and low-cost pet services in Charlotte is now just a click away!

What is

When families struggle, pets do, too. Loved pets are given up to animal shelters by heartbroken owners who think this is their only option. Human Animal Support Services has created this free, first-of-its-kind platform to make accessing pet support services easy. keeps families together by providing a list of pet food banks, affordable veterinary care, and other support. Charlotte's free and low-cost pet services are just a click away.

How can I find and access pet services on

Simply enter your zip code, then search for whatever pet services you're interested in, from pet food pantries and training to veterinary care and more of Charlotte's partners.

Will it cost me any money to use

No, using the site is completely free!

Why should we support people who can't afford pets instead of taking those pets away?

Supporting families is in line with our community's values as a city service. People don't love their pets any less because they’ve fallen on hard times. It is more humane, and cost-effective, to support families by helping keep people and pets together than it is to remove a pet from a family who loves them and bring them to an animal shelter.

With, we honor the role pets play in our families by making it easier for people to find and access the support they need.