Special Services

The city has three specialized services - small business garbage collection, street cleaning, and dead animal collection.

Business Garbage Collection

Solid Waste Services offers weekly garbage collection for small business in Charlotte for an annual fee of $250. For more information and to check your eligibility, please contact CharMeck 311 at 704-336-7600.

Missed Collection

If your business garbage is not collected on your scheduled day or if you encounter any issues with your service, it's important to act quickly. Please call CharMeck 311 at 704.336.7600 and report any collection problems, including missed pickups, within 48 hours.

Please note that small businesses are not eligible for yard waste, recycling or bulky item collection through the city.

Street Cleaning

The following specialized street cleaning services are only provided on city-maintained streets and rights-of-way:

  • Street sweeping.
  • Litter control/removal.
  • Illegal dump cleanup.
  • After-hours emergency response.

Issues on state-maintained streets, including interstates, should be reported to the North Carolina Department of Transportation. NCDOT can be contacted at 1.877.368.4698.

The special services program also provides a variety of services in Uptown with primary concentration on the Tryon Street mall.

Dead Animal Collection

Solid Waste Services will collect dead animals from streets, public rights-of-way, and residences located within the city. Service does not include interstate highways/ramps or public parks. Dead animals (wild or domesticated) on private property must be scheduled for collection and placed curbside. To schedule or report a dead animal, please contact CharMeck 311 at 704.336.7600 or use the CLT+ app.