Public Comments

Storm Water Design Manual Updates 

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services is currently in the process of updating the Storm Water Design Manual. The manual provides technical and engineering procedures to assist in the design and evaluation of stormwater management facilities in the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County.

As part of this process, there will be an opportunity for public review and comment. Comments from the public helps Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services consider diverse points of view and improve the quality of this manual. Please Note: The current Storm Water Design Manual remains in effect.

Description of Change

The City of Charlotte’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) is a set of regulations designed to guide growth and development in Charlotte. Conventional zoning district classifications were translated to UDO zoning districts with residential development becoming Neighborhood Zoning Districts. These districts have specific standards that cover the type of development, including lot sizes and maximum building coverage. Neighborhood Zoning Districts now allow for the development of single family, duplex and triplex dwellings on all lots.

Storm Water Services performed an independent evaluation to determine how these changes could contribute to stormwater runoff discharges. The results of this evaluation led to revisions of two tables under Chapter 2 – Hydrology of the Storm Water Design Manual: Table 2-4 (Recommended Runoff Coefficient Values) and Table 2-12 (Runoff Curve Numbers). 

Anticipated Timeline
Timeline Proposed updates available for review & public comment
 Mid 2024  Table 2-4 Recommended Runoff Coefficient Values Table 2-12 Runoff Curve Numbers
 Late 2024  Chapters 1 through 7 (Comprehensive updates to the manual) 


Documents Available for Public Comment
Title Comment Start Date Comment End Date Submit a Comment
Table 2-4 Recommended Runoff Coefficient Values(PDF, 30KB)  May 28 June 28 Closed
Table 2-12 Runoff Curve Numbers(PDF, 93KB) May 28 June 28 Closed

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