Private Traffic Control Permits
Control of traffic by off-duty police officers may be necessary to promote public safety, or improve traffic flow where traffic control devices can't accommodate the volume of vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic. You may frequently see off-duty police officers conducting traffic control outside of schools and churches, for example.
In accordance with City Code Sec. 14-9, any entity looking to hire an off-duty police officer for traffic control on a regular basis must obtain an annual Private Traffic Control Permit from CDOT.
In deciding whether to issue a permit, CDOT joins with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department or Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Office to consider, among other things, whether the requested traffic control services fairly serve the interests of all motorists and promote the preservation of safety for the public.
Process and Requirements
If you are interested in obtaining a Private Traffic Control Permit, you should submit an application on the Cityworks Portal.
In addition to basic information about the traffic control request, you must provide a map with a diagram of where traffic control officers will be located along with your application.
The application cannot be fully considered until you provide proof of a Certificate of Automobile and General Liability Insurance policy or policies naming the City of Charlotte as the certificate holder. Each policy must be for a minimum of $1,000,000 bodily injury and property damage, and will be subject to future review and adjustment at the request of the City.
The diagram and Certificate of Liability Insurance must be emailed to at the time the application is submitted, or mailed or brought in-person to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center.
The Private Traffic Control Permit, if granted, will be returned by email to the requestor and a copy must be kept in an administrative office on-site.
The non-refundable application fee is $25.
If approved, the annual Private Traffic Control Permit fee is $50.
Fees are subject to change each fiscal year.
Additional Information
Annual permits are granted for the full calendar year, from January 1st – December 31st. If the permit expires, the entity will not be able to hire any private traffic control officers until the renewal is fully processed and approved.
CDOT reserves the right to amend or revoke Private Traffic Control Permits at any time.
Note: It is not necessary to apply for a Private Traffic Control Permit if the use of traffic control officers is covered by a different City permitting process, such as a Parade or Festival Permit.
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