Plans and Reports

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan

In 2005, the City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, and incorporated cities and towns of Cornelius, Davidson, Matthews, Mint Hill and Pineville, participated in a planning effort that resulted in the development of a hazard mitigation plan covering each participating jurisdiction. This plan received Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approval in 2005. These plans are designed to meet the federal regulations set forth by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, which requires all local, county, tribal, and state governments to develop a multi-hazard mitigation plan for their respective jurisdictions in order to be eligible to receive certain hazard mitigation and public assistance funds.

In October 2010, Charlotte Mecklenburg Emergency Management Office (CMEMO) updated the original 2005 plan to incorporate changes, requirements, and modifications to the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. In the summers of 2014 and 2019, the City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County and the six other towns began the update process for the required five-year update.

Final draft plans were approved by the State of North Carolina in and were adopted by all eight councils/commissions and may be reviewed below: (insert final draft plans).

2010 Plan: 2010 Mecklenburg County MJHMP [Intro(PDF, 157KB)   |   Planning Process(PDF, 157KB)   |   Community Profile(PDF, 394KB)   |   Hazard Identification(PDF, 1MB)   |   Hazard Analysis(PDF, 3MB)   |   Vulnerability Assessment(PDF, 874KB)   |   Capability Assessment(PDF, 157KB)   |   Mitigation Strategy(PDF, 198KB)   |   Mitigation Action Plans(PDF, 2MB)  |   Plan Maintenance Procedures(PDF, 152KB)   |   Appendix A(PDF, 97KB)   |   Appendix B(PDF, 91KB)   |   Appendix C(PDF, 117KB)   |   Appendix D(PDF, 568KB) ]

2015 Plan: 2015 Mecklenburg County MJHMP(PDF, 13MB)

2020 Plan: 2020 Mecklenburg County MJHMP(PDF, 46MB)

The Mecklenburg County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

The goal of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is to provide a systematic, coordinated and effective response to safeguard the health, safety, welfare and property of Mecklenburg County residents, businesses and visitors during a disaster or emergency.

The EOP is a multidisciplinary plan that establishes a single, comprehensive, framework for the management of major emergencies and disasters within the county. The plan is a result of the collaborative efforts among all seven (7) jurisdictions in Mecklenburg County, their subsequent operational departments and private partners that have assigned emergency roles and responsibilities for the management of emergency or disaster incidents.

  • The plan establishes the priorities of saving lives, protecting property and the environment, addressing immediate needs such as rescue, medical, food, shelter, restoring facilities essential to the well-being of the citizens and visitors, and mitigating the hazards that threaten life, property, environment, and the economy.
  • The EOP is implemented when it becomes necessary to mobilize the identified resources to save lives, protect property, environment and the economy.
  • A Letter of Agreement (LOA) signed by all Mecklenburg County jurisdictions is included in the plan and commits departments to undertake the necessary preparedness activities to ensure that they are ready to carry out their assigned emergency management responsibilities in the event of a disaster or emergency. The LOA also commits agencies to develop and maintain viable department level Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP) to ensure that they can continue operations in the even their primary facility becomes unavailable.


The Uptown Evacuation Plan

Planning for an evacuation is a serious matter. If you or a loved one works, lives or visits Uptown Charlotte for events it is important to know how to evacuate during an emergency. It is also important to speak with your Uptown employer, daycare provider or school about their evacuation plans so that you can develop your own plans in case of an emergency evacuation.

  • Follow assigned routes of travel based on ward quadrants (first, second, third, fourth). All other routes are for emergency vehicles only. Do not use your regular route of travel unless it is suggested on the map. Normal traffic patterns and routes may be altered depending on the type of emergency.
  • Our evacuation plan is based on an event occurring in the very core of uptown or the square (Trade and Tryon). Considering that the emergency could take place anywhere, the pre-designated routes should be used for guidance followed as closely as possible.
  • Our Uptown Evacuation Plan is currently being updated to reflect new growth and development that has taken place in recent years and will be available to the public when updates are completed.


Strategic Planning

In our office, having defined goals and objectives, is helpful in guiding our team, especially as the population and development rates skyrocket in Mecklenburg County. Every day looks different on our calendars, activations and disaster and emergency response efforts continue to compound, making it easy for planning efforts to get lost in the shuffle of day-to-day life in our community.

No matter how successful our team is, we believe that we always have room to grow. Our five (5) year strategic plan keeps us grounded and provides our team and our community with an all-hazards framework for operation.


Annual Report(s)

Three-hundred and sixty-five (365) days goes by quickly when hazards abound. From hurricanes and tornadoes to civil disturbance and pandemic responses, memories fade swiftly as our team continually moves onward in preparation for the next disaster or emergency response. Keeping track of everything our team has accomplished in a year is challenging but rewarding just the same. On an annual basis we try our best to share with our internal and external stakeholders, all that we’ve accomplished, in collaboration with our partners, of course.

We are glad to provide our community with written documentation of our accomplishments, upon request. Requests may be made via email to