Our team maintains a variety of tools for internal use by our team and response partners as well as tools for the general public that assist in connecting people, locations and data using interactive maps. These tools compliment and in some cases, sync data between various situational awareness platforms.
Geospatial Resources (GIS)
- If you are a response partner and maintain a user account on our system, the following links will be of use to you. You will be required to log into your account in order to access data:
- The following resources are available as an open source and do not require user accounts:
Charlotte-Mecklenburg WebEOC (Local WebEOC)
- Charlotte-Mecklenburg WebEOC serves as the region’s primary, cloud-based, situational awareness and resource management tool, supporting planned and unplanned events throughout the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Urban Area Security Initiative’s (UASI) ten (10) county service area. The system launched in July 2016 and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Emergency Management Office (CMEMO) serves as the system administrator and coordinates all training and support initiatives.
- The Charlotte-Mecklenburg instance of WebEOC is a fusion-based system, meaning the system can receive and disseminate data to and from other WebEOC fusion instances, including but not limited to, Duke Energy, North Carolina Emergency Management (NCEM), the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and numerous additional local, state and federal partners.
- There are currently more than 1,500 users from local, state and federal partners who maintain access to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg WebEOC instance, with new users being onboarded daily. New users are vetted through their agency or organization and our system administrator audits our instance quarterly.
- New users and existing users are provided regular training opportunities coordinated through the CMEMO. As training opportunities become available, information will be included on our training and exercise page with links to virtual training opportunities and on-site training registration details.
- Eligible candidates may request access or password resets and submit additional system questions, by completing the included fillable form. All information submitted will be forwarded to our system administer for review.
- North Carolina Emergency Management (NCEM) maintains a separate instance of WebEOC (NCSPARTA) that supports situational awareness tools among all 100 counties in North Carolina. NCSPARTA is also a fusion instance that maintains the capability to receive and disseminate data from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg instance of WebEOC. CMEMO and Charlotte Fire Department Special Operations (CFD-SOC) staff maintain user accounts with NCSPARTA. NCSPARTA is funded through the North Carolina Department of Public Safety (NCDPS).
- NCEM hosts quarterly WebEOC User Group meetings for counties participating in WebEOC initiatives, in addition to monthly statewide WebEOC drills.