Vest WTP to Franklin WTP Water Pipe Project

  • Project typeWater
  • Project budget​To be determined
  • Project phaseCurrent Status: Construction

Project Updates

Updates 2025


A section of Tennessee Avenue is expected to be closed through the end of May. During this time, motorists should follow all detour signage. Access will be maintained for residents that live within the impacted construction. Charlotte Water understands construction can be inconvenient. This closure is necessary to ensure safety of all individuals.

Updates 2024


A section of Beatties Ford Road, near the intersection of Booker Avenue, is expected to be closed from September 9th to September 20th while crews continue to work on the project alignment. During this time, motorists should follow all detour signage. Access will be maintained for residents that live within the impacted construction zone. Please note, schedules are subject to change due to weather and other conditions.


Lawton Road Closure:

July 22 – July 26

The potion of Lawton Road between Brookshire Boulevard and Chesapeake Drive is expected to be closed from July 22 – July 26 while crews continue work on the project alignment.

North Hoskins Road Closure:

July 29 – August 2

The portion of North Hoskins Road between Brookshire Boulevard and Chesapeake Drive is expected to be closed from July 29 – August 2 while crews continue to work on the project alignment.

All access will be maintained for residents and businesses along the alignment. Please note, schedules are subject to change due to weather and other conditions.

A section of Tennessee Avenue is closed from July through the end of fall. During this time, motorists should follow all detour signage.
A second crew will start late July at Worth Place and work towards Beatties Ford Road.


A section of Tennessee Avenue is expected to be closed from July through the end of fall. During this time, motorists should follow all detour signage.

Updates 2023


Construction is ongoing in the Washington Heights neighborhood and residents can expect periods of inactivity over the next 6-8 weeks during the holidays. Please note, construction schedules are subject to change, due to weather and other conditions.


Charlotte Water and its contractors are continuing construction work in the Washington Heights area. During this time, residents and businesses along the alignment will see varying levels of construction. Crews will be conducting work in the streets and motorists should follow all detour traffic signage. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses along the alignment. Please note, schedules are subject to change due to weather and other conditions.



Upcoming Construction

Clearing the area for construction is expected to begin in mid-September. Crews will begin work along the sections of the alignment that are in streets (see map). All access will be maintained for residents and businesses along the alignment.

Residents and businesses along the alignment will see varying levels of construction. Please note, construction schedules are subject to change due to weather and other unexpected events.



Community Meeting: July 13

Join us Thursday, July 13, between 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. for a community meeting to learn more about the upcoming project and construction timelines. During the meeting, project representatives will share more details about the project and construction timelines.

Meeting address:
LC Coleman Park
1501 McDonald St., Charlotte NC 28216

Project Overview

Vest Franklin Map

Charlotte Water has finished the design phase and is entering into construction for an upcoming pipeline project in the Beatties Ford and Brookshire neighborhoods that will optimize the function of the water system in the growing community. Once completed, the new 16-inch pipeline will enhance the water treatment process for customers in the area.

• Construction start: August 2023
• Construction duration:

Contractors will install more than 16,000 linear feet of 16-inch pipe from the Vest Water Treatment Plant (WTP) to the Franklin Water Treatment Plant (WTP). This new pipeline will allow for the transfer of waste solids (residuals) from the Vest WTP to the Franklin WTP, which has larger facilities and advanced processes in place to manage the residuals.

Project Goals

• Enhance the water treatment process for customers in the area
• Eliminate the cost of a third party removing the residuals from the Vest WTP

Public Involvement

Areas near construction will be notified before fieldwork activities and construction. If there are any planned impacts to water service, customers will be notified in advance. If there is an unplanned water outage, crews will work to fix it immediately.

Construction Phase Activities

  • Clearing
  • Moving equipment on site
  • Construction traffic
  • Establishing a safe work zone
  • Road closures and detours around work