Jan. 31, 2025 - DOT Construction, Inc. has begun construction for this project. Construction is expected to be complete by the end of 2025.
This project will construct approximately a half-mile of new sidewalk along Sardis Road North from Ritter Drive to the westernmost intersection of Rittenhouse Circle and Sardis Road North.
To enhance pedestrian safety
To improve connectivity in the area
The project team has engaged residents in the vicinity of the project through mailings and door-to-door outreach. Community members were mailed postcard invitations to join the will engage the public with mailings, email communications and in-person or virtual public meetings. Residents will be notified of the dates and locations once they are determined. To date, the project team has hosted the following public meetings:
Tyler Greentaner Construction Supervisor General Services 980.867.2748 tyler.greentaner@charlottenc.gov