Parkwood Avenue Streetscape

  • Project typeTransportation
  • Project budget$11 million (includes all costs associated with the project such as planning and design, acquiring the right-of-way, utility relocation, consultant fees, construction, signalization, permits and landscaping)
  • Project phaseConstruction

a street view of the existing street with two lanes on either side and sidewalk on one side only

Part of the Northeast Corridor Infrastructure (NECI) Program 

Project Overview

This project originated from the Northeast Corridor Infrastructure Program (NECI) planning effort. This project will improve accessibility for pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular connections to the Parkwood Avenue light rail station. It will also promote economic development by providing infrastructure to support and encourage transit supportive development. 

The cross section is proposed to include one travel lane in each direction, with buffered bike lanes, wider planting strips and sidewalks, planted medians in some locations and street trees. Additional traffic signals will also be installed. The proposed project limits are from the CSX Railroad bridge to North Davidson Street. 

Project Goals

  • To provide safer sidewalks, pedestrian refuge, buffered bike lanes and beautification with wider planting strips, decorative lighting and street trees
  • To provide pedestrian and bicycle connectivity throughout the corridor
  • To improve accessibility for the Optimist Park and Belmont neighborhoods and the Parkwood Avenue station
  • To promote economic development by providing infrastructure to support and encourage transit-supportive development

rendering of a cross section of the completed roadway, with sidewalk, planting strip, bike lane with buffer and a travel lane on either side with a turning lane in the middle

Rendering of roadway after project completion. For illustrative purposes only. 

Public Involvement

Extensive public engagement took place during the planning phase in order to seek input and share details of the project. The following meetings were held:

  • October 13, 2016 at New Hampton Presbyterian Church (LYNX Blue Line Extension meeting)
  • October 12, 2016 at the Charlotte Main Library (LYNX Blue Line Extension meeting)
  • October 11, 2016 at Sugaw Creek Church (LYNX Blue Line Extension meeting)
  • May 3, 2016 at Sugaw Creek Presbyterian Church
  • May 5, 2016 at the Oasis Shriners Center
  • October 29, 2016 at the Belmont Center
  • October 28, 2014 at Sugaw Creek Presbyterian Church
  • May 14, 2014 at Sugaw Presbyterian Church

Vicinity Map

aerial map of project area with a yellow line depicting the roadway getting improvements