The 311 Call Center will be closed on Wednesday Dec. 25 and Thursday Dec. 26. It will reopen on Friday, Dec. 27, with operating hours from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2024 - The project team has reviewed comments received following the public meeting held on May 28, 2024. Based on comments received, changes are being made to the project design. Please refer to the FAQs on this page for details.
part of the city's bicycle program
Existing conditions along Matheson Avenue
This project will evaluate Matheson Avenue, from Jordan Place to Virginia Avenue, for a street conversion. The proposed improvements will include removing one through-lane in each direction and reallocating the space for a two-way, left-turn lane and buffered bike lanes. The improvements will also include installing pedestrian crossings and a new traffic signal at the intersection of Matheson Avenue and Clemson Avenue.
The Matheson Avenue Bridge Streetscape project, part of the Applied Innovation Corridor, is adjacent to this one and will provide streetscape improvements along Matheson Avenue between North Tryon Street and Jordan Place.
After further review, the project team has removed the proposed island at Matheson Avenue and Virginia Avenue from the project scope. The proposed westbound right turn lane from Matheson Avenue to The Plaza has also been removed.
The design will incorporate the following elements:
A buffered bike lane is the preferred alternative because it maintains access for all residents along Matheson Avenue and the adjacent neighborhoods. A two-way cycle track would introduce conflicts between turning vehicles and cyclists.
To provide an east-west bicycle connect from the Shamrock Drive Complete Street project to the Cross Charlotte Trail at Jordan Place
To reduce Matheson Avenue's effect as a barrier to north-south pedestrian movement, providing additional crossing opportunities along the corridor
To improve safety by calming traffic and reducing vehicle speeds along the corridor
Residents and business owners will have an opportunity to provide input during planned public meetings. the project team will also provide updates periodically through postcards and the website. The following public meetings have been scheduled or have already taken place:
Rendering after project completion. For illustrative purposes only.
Joe Frey Senior Engineering Project Manager General Services 980.219.3589