Idlewild Road Water Supply Project

  • Project typeWater
  • Project budgetCraig Ave section of work will be determined as a part of the planning | Monroe Road section of work are estimated to be $3.7 million.
  • Project phaseCurrent Status: Construction

Project Updates


Updates 2024

Crews are completing water quality testing. Expect to see work near Meridian Center Drive mid-July.


Updates 2023


  • This fall, the team will prepare for construction on the N Sharon Amity-McMullen Way section of the project. Contractors may be working on or near residential properties on one or more occasions throughout the remainder of the year. If the team determines that the project will have any direct impact to a property, the occupant will be notified directly.

In addition to onsite personnel, residents in the area should expect the following:

  • Staging of traffic control devices, pipes, safety equipment, and large digging equipment for water main construction
  • Soft digging to locate underground utilities
  • Traffic impacts, including lane closures on N Sharon Amity Rd. during construction (specific details on road closures and detours will be provided prior to work)




  • Starting the week of August 7th, Charlotte Water (CLTWater) will be working along N. Sharon Amity and Craig Ave. as they continue construction on the project. During this phase of construction, N. Sharon Amity Road will be reduced to two lanes near the Craig Avenue intersection. This work is expected to last a couple of months.
  • Residents are advised to avoid the area if possible. Please continue to observe traffic control measures and take safety precautions while traveling in the area.

CLTW Idlewild SharonAmity Craig Doorhanger Graphic TW ND

  • This month, the Idlewild Rd Water Supply Project team will begin construction to install a new water main along Craig Avenue in Cotswold. To complete this work, a road closure will be put in place along Craig Avenue on February 20, 2023 and will remain in place until December 2023. A detour route will be available and local access will be maintained during this time.

  • Water service outages may occur during construction. If water outages do occur, the public can anticipate those to take place Monday—Friday, 9 am—4 pm and should not last longer than 7 hours. If a scheduled interruption is expected, residents will be notified in advance.

  • This project is part of a wider initiative in the greater Idlewild area to enhance drinking water reliability and to ensure ongoing service for customers.

Updates 2021



  • The Glendora Dr. & Monroe Rd. intersection will be closed for two weeks starting Monday, Nov. 8 as CLT Water & contractor, RH Price, continue construction of the Monroe Rd. portion of the Idlewild Road Water Supply Project.
  • Glendora Dr. can still be accessed from E. Independence Blvd.
  • Please observe all traffic signage while traveling in the area and plan commutes accordingly. 



  • The Ashmore Dr. & Monroe Rd. intersection will be closed for a few weeks starting mid-late October as CLT Water & contractor, RH Price, continue construction of the Monroe Rd. portion of the Idlewild Road Water Supply Project.
  • Ashmore Dr. can still be accessed from E. Independence Blvd.
  • Please observe all traffic signage while traveling in the area and plan commutes accordingly. 



  • On Monday, Sept. 13, the Long Ave. and Monroe Rd. intersection will close for three weeks as CLT Water and its contractor, RH Price, begin construction on the Monroe Rd. portion of the Idlewild project.
  • During this time, Long Ave. will still be accessible from E. Independence Blvd. and Connection Point Blvd.
  • Please observe all traffic signage while traveling in the area and plan commutes accordingly. 

  • In the coming weeks, Charlotte Water (CLTWater) and contractor RH Price will begin construction work on the Monroe Road section of the greater Idlewild Road Water Supply Project, which runs from Rama Road/Idlewild Road to McMullen Way on the outer northbound lane of Monroe Road.   
  • The Monroe Road Construction is slated to begin in April 2021 and continue through November 2021. Daily on-site construction work times will be from 7am-7pm. Construction is expected to impact surrounding residents, businesses, as well as frequent commuters in the immediate area.
  • It is recommended to plan for delays and detours as construction begins and progresses.

Updates 2020

  • Starting the week of August 24, Charlotte Water (CLTWater) and contractor Stantec will begin planning and design fieldwork along Craig Ave and nearby areas outlined in the project map to evaluate the state of the water main pipes servicing the Idlewild Road area and supply capabilities. 
  • Initial work for the project includes wetland delineation, utility locations, field surveying, and CCTV of the sanitary sewer.
  • Evaluation of the current system will determine what needs exist to provide additional drinking water capacity to service the homes and businesses in the area.
  • This stage of the project work is anticipated to take place through November 2020 and may require some traffic control to allow workers to safely evaluate and gather on-site information for the project.

Project overview

Idlewild Road Water Supply Project

  • In order to address an aging water main and meet the needs of the community to ensure ongoing, reliable service for our customers, Charlotte Water (CLT Water) needs to evaluate and possibly replace pipes providing service to the immediate area. 
  • It is necessary to investigate the current water main and supply in this corridor and the immediate surrounding areas. The project aims to evaluate and if necessary, provide additional potable water capacity to service the homes and businesses in the area, as well as to improve system hydraulics.

Project goals

  • This corridor outlined in the maps above and immediate surrounding areas are due for review and improvement of the current water main and supply capabilities. The project aims to evaluate and ultimately provide additional potable water capacity to service the homes and businesses in the area as well to improve system hydraulics. 

Public involvement

  • Additional information will be posted periodically on this webpage as the project progresses.