Dec. 9, 2024 - The project team continues to develop 50% design plans for this complex intersection improvement project. Design is expected to be complete in mid to late 2025, after which the real estate acquisition phase will begin.
This project will reconstruct the intersection of Eastway and Shamrock Drive. Feasibility plans for the project include widening of the roadways through the intersection to a complete realignment. The project team will identify the best land use configuration as well as analyze realignment of the intersection. The project has overlapping limits with the Shamrock Drive Complete Street project, and the projects will coordinate to avoid unnecessary overlap.
This is a multi-modal intersection project providing additional vehicular capacity, safer pedestrian accommodations and includes bicycle facilities at Eastway Drive and Shamrock Drive.
The project team is planning to host one public meeting to get community input. Meeting details will be shared once they are determined.
Rendering of the roadway after project completion. For illustrative purposes only.
Walta Blackmon Senior Project Manager General Services 704.618.8703