The 311 Call Center will be closed on Wednesday Dec. 25 and Thursday Dec. 26. It will reopen on Friday, Dec. 27, with operating hours from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
September 7, 2023 - Construction was completed in June 2023, including the installation of landscaping.
Preliminary design concept
Part of Corridors of Opportunity - West Boulevard
This project includes new accessible ramps, crosswalks, pedestrian signals, placemaking and truck aprons. A median will be added on the west leg of West Boulevard.
The project team will engage the public at key points of the project development process. Residents will be notified via email, text message and/or direct mail of upcoming engagement opportunities.
Rebecca Chambers, PE Engineering Program ManagerGeneral
Brooke GainesPlanning CoordinatorGeneral
Ashley Landis, P.E. Planning & Design Deputy Division Manager Charlotte Department of Transportation 704.432.2674