Beatties Ford Road Parallel Bike Boulevard

  • Project typeTrails, Paths and Bike Lanes
  • Project budget$860,000 (includes all costs associated with the project such as planning and design, acquiring the right-of-way, utility relocation, consultant fees, construction, signalization, permits and landscaping)
  • Project phaseComplete; Warranty

part of the Corridors of Opportunity Program - Beatties Ford Road/Rozzelles Ferry Road

Beatties Ford Road on GoogleMaps before improvements; no bike lane

Project Overview

The project seeks to install bicycle facilities that will connect the West Charlotte High School area of the Beatties Ford Road corridor to the Uptown Cycle Track on West 5th Street near the I-77 interchange. The project includes installing bicycle facilities mainly on neighborhood routes, using a combination of sharrows, bike lanes, enhanced crossings and signal modifications.

Project Goals

To increase bicycle mobility and safety

Public Involvement

The project will engage the public at key points of the project development process. Residents will be notified via email, text message and/or direct mail of upcoming engagement opportunities.

Rendering of two 10.5-foot-wide bike lanes

Rendering of a cross section of the bike lanes after project completion. For illustrative purposes only.

Vicinity Map

an aerial map depicting the project alignment with a bright yellow line