The 311 Call Center will be closed on Wednesday Dec. 25 and Thursday Dec. 26. It will reopen on Friday, Dec. 27, with operating hours from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The Sunset/Beatties Ford CNIP area includes several established communities in a high-growth area of north and northwest Charlotte. It was chosen due to the opportunities for development, redevelopment and leveraging of existing assets within the community. These projects seek to create impactful change in the community to help people better access jobs, transportation and recreation.
Current Projects
Beatties Ford Road Pedestrian Crossing (completed in 2019)
Beatties Ford Road/Sunset Road Pedestrian Improvements, Part 1 (in progress)
Lakeview Road and Reames Road Intersection Improvement (complete)
Peachtree Hills Sidewalk (complete)