DeArmon Road Complete Street Improvements

  • Project typeNeighborhoods
  • Project budget$22 million (includes all costs associated with the project such as planning and design, acquiring the right-of-way, utility relocation, consultant fees, construction, signalization, permits and landscaping)
  • Project phaseReal Estate Acquisition

Between 2014 and 2020, voters approved $120 million for the Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement Program (CNIP). This project was selected as one of the projects to move forward under the Prosperity Village CNIP. 

This project includes the design and installation of streetscape beautification to Craven Thomas Road and Robert Helms Road, off the I-485/Prosperity Church Road exit. The streetscape will include widening of the existing sidewalk to a multiuse path, trees/shrubs, resting areas, installation of artwork, bus stop shelter and plaza and street- and pedestrian-scale lighting. The Arts & Science Council orchestrated the art process, hiring the artist Robert Tully, and coordinating with him throughout the planning and design phases.

Project Goals

  • To increase connectivity across the I-485 corridor

  • To create a gateway and community identify

  • To improve pedestrian safety

  • To encourage multimodal transportation

  • Streetscape beautification

Public Involvement

The following public meetings were held during the planning and design phases. No other public meetings are scheduled to occur for this project. 

  • Public meeting on April 26, 2018 at Prosperity Presbyterian Church
  • Public workshop on August 29, 2017 at Crossway Community Church
  • Online public charrette (January 30 - February 17, 2017)
  • Community Charrette on December 7, 2016 at Crossway Community Church

cross-section of the new roadway with two travel lanes, two bike lanes with buffers, planting strips, a median and sidewalks on both sides

Rendering of a cross-section of the street after project completion. For illustrative purposes only.

Vicinity Map

 aerial map depicting DeArmon Road with a yellow line