The Placemaking Creative Pool

Creative Pool

Street mural created by Anastasia Netrebine for the City of Charlotte Shared Streets program in 2020.

The City of Charlotte's Placemaking Program launched in 2018 with the mission of using urban design and placemaking to transform underutilized public spaces into vibrant places for people. The Urban Design Center leads the effort with its own projects while creating opportunities for neighborhoods and other city departments to use placemaking to promote community collaboration and accomplish public space goals.

The Charlotte Urban Design Center launched the Creative Pool program as a pre-approval process to match local professional creatives on a rolling basis with placemaking project opportunities throughout Charlotte. Creatives selected from the pool may be commissioned to produce original works that range in scale and scope and/or collaborate with the city to provide design or management services for art elements.

How the Creative Pool Works

The Charlotte Urban Design Center manages or supports many community and city-led placemaking projects each year. When creative services are needed, the project manager (whether that is a community organization, Placemaking Grant Awardee, city staff person, etc.) can directly select an artist or can share the opportunity with the artist pool to gather interested artists.

The Charlotte Urban Design Center manages the Creative Pool list and opportunities but not necessarily the placemaking projects. The projects can come from other city departments or community organizations. The creative is responsible for answering solicitations and managing their agreements. Please note that inclusion in the Creative Pool does not guarantee commission but an opportunity for projects when they become available.

Who Can Apply for the Creative Pool?

The Creative Pool consists of a wide range of creatives who manage, create and implement original compositions. This includes creatives who work in mixed media, performance, written and spoken word, video/photography, fabrication and more. The pool was also opened to include teams, organizations and businesses who manage the process of implementing public art and performance.

How Do I apply for the Creative Pool?

Read through the City of Charlotte's Request for Qualifications document(PDF, 259KB) here.

Are you a current Creative Pool member and would like to continue in the program? Please let us know on the application submission page. You do not have to complete the application, just indicate that you would like to stay in the Creative pool when prompted and update your contact information if necessary.

Do You Have Questions About the Creative Pool? 

You may receive notifications through our quarterly newsletter email list and by following us at @clturbandesign on social media.

Contact Us

Ria Naab
Placemaking Community Associate

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