For Residential Projects: As required by the City’s Subdivision Ordinance, as-built surveys are required for all storm drainage systems that are installed as part of residential or commercial subdivision infrastructure. Storm drainage system as-built surveys must contain information regarding storm drainage constructed to the extents that correspond to the boundary of a recorded Subdivision Plat map. Storm drainage as-builts are to be sealed and signed by a Registered Land Surveyor.
With storm drainage as-builts associated with new street construction in subdivisions, the limits of the as-built survey must correspond to the limits of a recorded subdivision plat map. Be sure to upload a PDF copy of the recorded Subdivision Plat map whose boundary contains the storm drainage being certified, or simply provide a reference to the Map Book and Page Number of the plat at the Register of Deeds.
For Commercial Projects/Subdivisions with SCMs: The City's Post-Construction Stormwater Ordinancerequires as-built surveys. These As-built certifications and surveys are required for stormwater control measures (SCMs, a.k.a. BMPs) in subdivisions and commercial development sites or residential subdivisions. SCM as-builts need to be signed and sealed by both a Registered Land Surveyor and a Professional Engineer and must include a standard PE certification statement (see checklists below).
As-builts are to be submitted electronically in PDF format for City Engineering review via Accela Citizen Access. Click the link below to go to the Accela online portal, log-in with username and password, and then create a new application for an as-built review:

The submitted information will be logged in for a detailed review by an Engineering reviewer. The review progress can be tracked in Accela Citizen Access. 1st submittal As-built reviews are completed within 15 business days. If the as-built cannot be approved, any revisions that are required will be relayed to the applicant as redline comments on the As-built survey plan. Subsequent submittals also have a 15 business day turn-around time. Final approvals will be noted in Accela Citizen Access and an e-mail will be sent to the applicant to alert them of approval. Once all as-builts have been approved the assigned Site Inspector will then be notified that a project can progress toward CO Hold Release for Commercial projects, and Bond Release and/or final Street Acceptance process for a Subdivision Street.
There is a review fee required for Asbuilt Review for projects over 2 Years from Approval Date. See Fee Schedule(PDF, 165KB).
An expedited as-built review is available for those projects that need review and approval of as-builts faster than the typical 15-business-day review. Expedited option provides a 3-day review timeframe, after which either comments or an approval will be provided. The "As-built Expedited" record type is an available choice when creating a new application on Accela. The Expedited Review fee is added for this option as well as any other applicable user fees. (see the current Fee Schedule referenced above for amount)
The Engineering team has prepared multiple checklists to aid in the preparation & review of as-built surveys. These are mainly a staff review tool, but it is encouraged that surveyors/engineers use the checklists as a guide to verify all required information is shown prior to submittal:
Storm Drainage(PDF, 16KB)
Detention(PDF, 162KB) (Surface and Underground)
Extended Dry Detention(PDF, 162KB)
Bioretention(PDF, 194KB)
Sand Filter(PDF, 194KB)
Wet Pond(PDF, 194KB)
Wetland(PDF, 193KB)
Permeable Pavement(PDF, 195KB)