Charlotte Water, a Department of the City of Charlotte, is seeking a company to print inserts that are then delivered to a mail house facility for insertion into the monthly water billing statement. Charlotte Water will provide monthly print-ready artwork files to the company for printing. The company shall be responsible for the printing of the inserts, as well as shipping and delivery of the inserts to the designated mail house facility. Although Charlotte Water makes no guarantees as to print volumes, it can be estimated that up to 630,000 inserts will be required to print monthly
Pre-Bid Details
Date: 05/02/2023 at 10:00 am
Location: Cisco WebEx
Instructions: A Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference for the purpose of reviewing the RFP and answering questions regarding the services will be held virtually on May 2, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. EST via Cisco WebEx. Please have a copy of the RFP available for reviewing during the Pre-Proposal Conference. Cisco WebEx Information: Join by Phone: 1-650-479-3207 Call-in toll number (US/Canada) Meeting number (access code): 2313 783 6811 Meeting password: 2DVpyGNMv66 Meeting Link (preferred method of joining through computer, so that presentation materials can be viewed): MTID=m08176f23d2f84f2b80393a8023dbc7d6
Bid Opening Instructions
Companies wanting to be considered for providing the required services to the City should submit an electronic proposal to Matthew Newlon at: Proposals must be sent as an attachment to the e-mail (Companies may not provide a link to the document). PDF attachments must be limited to less than 50 MB. Hard copies will not be accepted. The subject line of the email shall include “FY23-RFP-24.” Companies must also mail samples of their printed Charlotte Water Bill Inserts for every Paper Stock Option that the Company is providing a unit price for according to the instructions in Section 2.5 of the RFP, Submission of Proposals.