Human Resources

Our Mission
Help employees thrive by integrating the City of Charlotte's DE&I strategy of upward mobility and inclusiveness and provide equitable access to learning and development opportunities, comprehensive benefits plans, and competitive compensation, that meet the unique and changing needs of the workforce throughout the stages of their career life cycle.

Join Team Charlotte
Job applications are taken through our mobile-friendly online employment center. First create your applicant profile, then use your applicant profile to easily apply for jobs. You can also submit job interest cards to be alerted for future openings in your area of interest. Click the Browse Available Jobs link below to go to the online employment center.
The City of Charlotte is committed to creating an inclusive culture where our employees can show up and belong as their full, authentic selves. Diversity is our strength, as an organization and a community, and this strength is amplified through our pursuit of justice and equity.
To serve our community with integrity, we must address racial and other identity-based inequities, historic exclusion, and upward mobility. To that end, we will:
- Be honest and accountable about how the City has contributed to inequity.
- Use data and innovative approaches to engage stakeholders to assess where we currently stand in relation to equity.
- Create a short, intermediate, and long-term Equity Action Plan to remove barriers to inclusion.
- Review existing and proposed City of Charlotte budget and organizational policies and procedures through an equity lens.
- Provide Diversity, Equity & Inclusion training that aligns with the City’s commitment to inclusion for all of Team Charlotte.
- Adequately resource the work of pursuing equitable policies in our government.
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Americans with Disability Act Assistance
Title I and Title V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, protect qualified individuals from discrimination on the basis of disability in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral, and other aspects of employment. Disability discrimination includes not making reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability who is an applicant or employee, barring undue hardship. For more information, provide a suggestion, or complaint, please contact City Human Resources at 704.336.2285.
Who We Are
The city of Charlotte Human Resources Department provides recruitment, selection, compensation, benefits, performance management, payroll processing, human resources management systems, organizational learning and development, employee relations, work-life and diversity programs to the organization's departments, employees and managers. Human Resources has 47 staff members.
What We Do
- Support the organization by managing change, designing and implementing organizational development efforts and fostering a positive and inclusive work environment through increased DE&I awareness and education.
- Lead workforce development programs to provide career academy, apprenticeship, and internship opportunities to increase upward mobility
- Provide a comprehensive portfolio of compensation, benefits, designed to promote economic mobility, health and financial well-being for employees, retirees and their eligible dependents.
- Provide a dynamic learning and education environment that aligns with the city's vision and values
- Develop, deploy, and ensure compliance with Human Resources-related city policies and practices, while continuously reviewing policies and practices through a DE&I lens
- Manage applicant and employment data, records, and oversee payroll administration
- Establish a One Charlotte HR model that recognizes the uniqueness of each city department while also providing uniform best practices across departments.

City of Charlotte
The City of Charlotte is proud of its diverse, 7,500 + member workforce who serve the community through professional, administrative, public safety, technical, clerical, skilled and labor and trades work.
Departments are responsible for providing such services as police and fire protection, waste and recyclables collection, water and sewer services, road construction and maintenance, transit, planning, zoning neighborhood development and operation of Charlotte Douglas International Airport. Build your career where you live.

You Can Thrive Here
The City of Charlotte is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, marital status, age, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation or on the basis of actual or perceived gender as expressed through dress, appearance, or behavior.
Our culture is to serve the community honorably.
Learn more about our Core Values and Code of Ethics.
Land Acknowledgement
The City of Charlotte acknowledges that we are meeting on the unceded homeland of the Catawba, Cheraw, Sugeree, Wateree and Waxhaw peoples. We acknowledge that the symbol of this city, the intersection of Trade and Tryon streets, was a trading route and meeting spot for Indigenous peoples and that colonialism, genocide, and forced migration has been responsible for the erasure of Indigenous people in our community.
We seek forgiveness and reconciliation for this painful part of our local and national history. We vow to honor the Native American voices in our community and recognize that, despite the forced erasure of their peoples, their presence is still with us.
Labor Acknowledgement
We acknowledge that Charlotte benefitted from the enslavement and forced labor of African people and their descendants. The inhumane institution of chattel slavery created wealth and opportunity for a few, while creating systems of institutional and interpersonal racism that persist to this day in our systems of government, education, housing and health care. We also acknowledge that the development of uptown Charlotte, where we are meeting today, has been at the expense of the African American community of Brooklyn through forced displacement and false promises of resettlement.
The City of Charlotte is committed to equity and inclusion, and we wish to acknowledge and learn from our history. We seek to lift the voices of those Black, Indigenous and people of color who are still here, while honoring the dignity and grief of those peoples displaced by unfair and inclusive and fair Charlotte community where all can thrive.
Join Team Charlotte
Contact Us
700 East Fourth Street,
Charlotte, NC 28202
All job applications are submitted online.
Computer kiosks hours:
M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fax employment verification requests to 704-335-4091 or email to