Maintain it to the Street

bicyclists wearing helmets riding in a bike lane along a residential street

Did You Know You're Supposed to Maintain Grass and Vegetation All the Way to the Street?

As Charlotte's population continues to grow, new developments, roads and infrastructure are being built to meet the city's changing needs. If you own property in the city limits of Charlotte, you should be aware of your responsibilities when it comes to maintaining grass and vegetation. The City of Charlotte has laws (through the City Code of Ordinances) to ensure the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists, and to help maintain property values and community pride. 
City code requires that property owners are responsible to maintain grass and vegetation all the way to the curb. Grass should be less than 12 inches tall, and vegetation can’t block pedestrians, cyclists or motorists. Fines start at $150 for violations. 

What does the City code say?

Sections of the Charlotte Code of Ordinances that address owners' responsibility for maintaining vegetation are listed below. Each item is hyperlinked to the specific section.