Source of Income Protections

City or County Supported Housing

A housing provider will be in violation of the City of Charlotte or Mecklenburg County Source of Income Protections (SOIP) in City or County Supported Housing Policies if a residential tenant in a city or county supported development is disqualified from renting a housing unit based on a refusal by the housing provider to consider a lawful source of income.

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations will only investigate complaints within the City of Charlotte and the unincorporated areas of Mecklenburg County.

The policy is not intended to require terms that prevent a property owner or manager from determining, in a commercially reasonable and non-discriminatory manner, the ability of a housing applicant to afford to rent a property.

  • Residents who believe they have been denied access to housing based on a violation of the policy may initiate a SOIP complaint with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee.
  • SOIP investigations will be conducted by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee.
  • If a violation is not cured and the contractual remedy [e.g., up to $23,000 for a first violation] is necessary, the remedy amount imposed will be influenced by factors such as: the nature and circumstances of the violation, degree of culpability and history of prior violations.


  • When did source of income protections in the SOIP go into effect?

     The Source of Income Protections for city supported funding developments went into effect August 22, 2022. The policy became effective for county supported/funded housing on September 20, 2022. 

  • How do I file a complaint if I have been denied a rental due to my lawful source of income?

    Individuals may use our online complaint form SOIP Complaint Form or call our hotline for assistance in completing the form, 704.336.5160

  • What if the person filing the complaint can’t read/write, needs an accommodation for a disability, doesn’t have access to technology, or needs translation/interpretation services?

    If staff assistance is needed in completing a complaint, please call 704-336-5160 or email

  • How long do I have to file a complaint?

    Source of Income Protections complaints must be filed within 180 days of the denial.

  • Is this the only method I have for having this complaint investigated?

    Yes. The Community Relations Department was appointed by City Council and the County Commissioners to investigate Source of Income Protections Policy violations allegations. 

  • What properties are covered by the SOIP?

    A list of properties is available on the City's Housing and Neighborhood website - Source of Income Protections

  • If I called to inquire, but never filed an application can I still file a complaint?

    Yes, if you were told over the phone that your type of lawful income is not acceptable. It will be helpful, but not required, if you know the name of the individual you spoke with, and the day and time of day of the call.

  • What if I face retaliation for filing a complaint?

    Please report the day, time, individuals involved and information regarding the alleged retaliation to your Source of Income Protections investigator. If you have not been assigned an investigator, email or call 704.336.5160

  • If my income is not verifiable, can I still file a complaint?

    No, income must be verifiable if that is the company's policy.

  • If my income verification expired, can I still file a complaint?

    No, income must be verifiable if that is the company's policy.

  • Do I need an attorney? Can I have an attorney or a representative? Will a Community Relations Department staff member be my representative?

    No. You don't need an attorney; however, you may have an attorney or representative at your expense. The Community Relations Department will not serve as your representative. The department is a neutral third party who will investigate to determine if the SOIP Policy has been violated at a property that has received either city supported housing or county supported/funding housing after their respective policy effective date.

  • What if I’ve already filed a complaint with the corporate office? May I still file a complaint with the City of Charlotte’s Community Relations Department?

    Yes, however we would like to see if the complaint is resolved through the corporate office before you file the complaint.

  • Can I file a complaint anonymously?

    No, in order to investigate the complaint, we will need to have a signed and notarized complaint.

  • What if I decide I no longer want to reside at the property if they offer me a unit?

    The complaint will be considered closed after the investigation is completed.

  • What does the investigation process look like?

    The investigator will confirm that the denial occurred within the 180 days, and involved a city or county supported development after the policy effective date and was based on a lawful source of income. Once a signed and notarized statement is received, the investigator will send a notice to the alleged violator (Respondent) that an investigation has been opened, along with a copy of your statement. The investigator will request a response to the allegation and any supporting documents from the Respondent, as well as any supporting documentation from the Complainant. After reviewing the information and conducting interviews, if necessary, a determination of whether a Source of Income Policy violation took place will be determined. All parties will be notified of the determination. If no violation took place, the case will be closed. If a violation took place, the Respondent will be addressed depending on the level of violation.

  • Who can I contact to ask questions during the investigation?

    If a case has been opened, the Complainant should contact their assigned investigator.

  • I am having an issue finding housing, but it is not related to discrimination based on a Protected Class through the Fair Housing Act or SOIP. Can the Community Relations Department help me?

    No. The Community Relations Department does not assist with finding housing.