Community Relations Subcommittees

The Charlotte Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee (CRC) is composed of a Leadership Team, and three subcommittees: CRC Representatives, Public Relations and Community/Cultural Engagement

Leadership Team

Chair: Sam Smith
Vice-Chair: Temako McCarthy
Staff Liaison: Willie Ratchford, Terry Bradley, Terra Neal

The Leadership subcommittee is composed of the chair and vice-chair (appointed by the City of Charlotte Mayor and the Mecklenburg County Board of County Commissioners Chairperson) and the three subcommittee chairs.

CRC Representative

Interim Chair: Sonya Black
Vice-Chair: Vacant

Focuses on aligning and engaging with the Community Relations Department's four divisions: Community Affairs, Fair Housing/NDO, ADA and Dispute Settlement.

Public Relations

Chair: Joi Mayo
Vice-Chair: Vacant

Focuses on keeping CRC and the community updated with the issues addressed by CRC and assist with the promotion of CRD-hosted events. Provide orientation to new committee members within thirty days of the appointment.

Community/ Cultural Engagement

Chair: Vacant
Vice-Chair: Karen Gipson

Focuses on seeking out and sharing opportunities for CRD/CRC to host events, education sessions, etc.

Ad Hoc Committees

Chair: Vacant
Vice-Chair: Vacant

Ad Hoc committees are formed as required to address community relations through special projects, focus groups, task forces, or other responses as required. CRC Committee members are asked or appointed to serve as needed.