Charlotte Fire Bringing Closure and Recovery After Hurricane Helene

Published on October 12, 2024

Firefighter Jacob Melton listens intently during a morning briefing, fully prepared for another day of relentless efforts in Yancey County's recovery.

Firefighter Jacob Melton listens intently during a morning briefing, fully prepared for another day of relentless efforts in Yancey County's recovery.

By Kevin Campbell 

The devastation caused by Hurricane Helene has left a lasting impact on the mountains of Western North Carolina, particularly in Yancey County, where floodwaters and mudslides have ravaged homes and displaced families. Among the hardest tasks in the storm's aftermath is the search for missing residents—a critical mission carried out by Charlotte Fire's Swift Water Rescue Team and the second wave of crews now working tirelessly on recovery efforts. 

Leading this charge are Charlotte Fire Captains Steven Pritchard and Jerry Rodgers, whose teams have been working day and night, delayering debris fields and following up on alerts from search dogs. Their work is not just about clearing rubble; it's about bringing closure to families who have lost loved ones and are desperate for answers. 

harlotte Fire Captain Steven Pritchard drives to the next search site, determined to lead his team in providing closure for the families affected by Hurricane Helene's devastation.

Charlotte Fire Captain Steven Pritchard drives to the next search site, determined to lead his team in providing closure for the families affected by Hurricane Helene's devastation.

"We’re here because people need us," said Captain Steven Pritchard, as he drove to the location of a possible victim. "Our mission this morning is to clear large debris piles left by the flooding. FEMA teams and canines alerted us to several spots, and our job is to go in, search, and provide closure for those families." 

The scale of the destruction has been immense, with hundreds of debris piles scattered throughout the county, some weighing upwards of 20,000 pounds. The task is grueling, but it’s a mission these firefighters are determined to see through. 

Crews pause to gather information and check coordinates, maintaining precision and focus as they search the debris under a highway bridge in Yancey County.

Crews pause to gather information and check coordinates, maintaining precision and focus as they search the debris under a highway bridge in Yancey County.

"Our guys will work themselves to death," Pritchard added. "It’s important to the folks in this county. It's important to the families still looking for their loved ones. We come in to help, we come in to assist, and that’s what we’ll continue to do." 

Charlotte Firefighter Bradley Blackmon surveys the terrain, ready to begin another search and recovery operation.

Charlotte Firefighter Bradley Blackmon prepares for a search operation, ensuring safety protocols are in place as the crew continues their mission to assist Yancey County residents in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

The recovery process begins with reports from residents about missing persons, especially in neighborhoods heavily impacted by floodwaters. Crews prioritize high-probability areas, such as homes near rivers or those hit hardest by mudslides. As the first team conducts a preliminary search (hasty search), they rely on search dogs trained to detect individuals who may be unaccounted for. These initial alerts are followed up by a second canine for confirmation. Only then do crews begin the difficult and methodical work of recovering victims. 

"It’s about respect and dignity," explained Captain Jerry Rodgers, standing beside a large debris pile where two canines had confirmed a potential find. "We’re here to give someone’s loved one back. That’s our job. We want to provide closure to these families, and we do it with the utmost care." 

Captain Jerry Rodgers leads his Charlotte Fire crew, briefing them on their ongoing mission to assist Yancey County residents in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. His leadership is key to keeping the team focused and mission-ready.

 Captain Jerry Rodgers leads his Charlotte Fire crew, briefing them on their ongoing mission to assist Yancey County residents in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. His leadership is key to keeping the team focused and mission-ready.

Rodgers and his team have been operating under tight conditions. The terrain is rough, with heavy debris fields blocking access to some areas. Their process is slow, deliberate, and emotionally exhausting, but they persist. Each piece of rubble is removed layer by layer, ensuring nothing is missed. And when they’re done, they let the dogs recheck the area for one final confirmation. 

"This community has been devastated," Rodgers said. "It's tough, but it's our job to bring closure to them, just like I would want if it were my family member missing." 

carefully navigates challenging terrain during a search operation in Yancey County as part of the Hurricane Helene recovery effort.

Charlotte Firefighter carefully navigates challenging terrain during a search operation in Yancey County as part of the Hurricane Helene recovery effort.

As the second team of Charlotte firefighters steps in to relieve the first crew, the mission remains the same—find the missing and support the families who need answers. It’s not a simple task, and it comes with emotional weight. 

A group of Charlotte Firefighters stand ready and committed, preparing for another mission to assist those impacted by Hurricane Helene.

A group of Charlotte Firefighters stand ready and committed, preparing for another mission to assist those impacted by Hurricane Helene.

"It’s mentally exhausting," Pritchard admitted. "But in the fire service, we lean on each other to get through it. When you’re away from your family, you rely on the crew to be your family. That’s how we get through it—by working together." 

The recovery efforts have been an all-hands-on-deck operation, with multiple agencies from across the country contributing their resources and personnel. FEMA teams, state emergency responders, and canine units from Texas and Wisconsin have all been involved in the search. But at the heart of it, it’s the firefighters on the ground who are making the difference, working day after day to ensure that no stone is left unturned. 

K9 Kiraa from the State Bureau of Investigation focuses during the search, playing a key role in locating possible victims amidst the debris.

K9 Kiraa from the State Bureau of Investigation focuses during the search, playing a key role in locating possible victims amidst the debris.

"There is no positive end when someone loses a family member in a disaster," Pritchard said. "But if we can find closure for these families, it helps them move forward, even if just a little bit." 

The recovery process is both physical and emotional, and it’s not just about the search for missing persons. Along the way, the Charlotte Fire team performs welfare checks on residents still living in isolated parts of the county. They deliver food, water, and medications to those in need, adding a layer of compassion to their work that goes beyond just clearing debris. 

Under the American flag, Charlotte Fire crews fuel up with breakfast before heading out for another day of recovery efforts in Yancey County, continuing their unwavering mission to support the community after Hurricane Helene.

Under the American flag, Charlotte Fire crews fuel up with breakfast before heading out for another day of recovery efforts in Yancey County, continuing their unwavering mission to support the community after Hurricane Helene.

"This morning, we’re headed to an area off the South Toe River," Pritchard explained. "Several buildings and homes were completely wiped out there. We’ll be working with the State Bureau of Investigation’s canine teams to continue searching those areas and make sure we leave no one behind." 

As the teams rotate and new crews arrive, the commitment to this mission remains unwavering. Chief Reginald Johnson of Charlotte Fire commended the crews for their dedication and resilience. 

Charlotte Fire members remain focused and respectful at the site of a possible recovery, working with care and dedication to bring closure to families affected by Hurricane Helene.

Charlotte Fire members remain focused and respectful at the site of a possible recovery, working with care and dedication to bring closure to families affected by Hurricane Helene.

"I am incredibly proud of the men and women who have answered the call to serve in Yancey County," Chief Johnson said. "Their commitment to bringing closure to families and helping a devastated community recover speaks volumes about their character and the values of Charlotte Fire. We are with Yancey County, and we will continue to support them as long as needed." 

The recovery process is far from over. While the initial response may have been swift, the long-term work of bringing closure to the families of Yancey County will take time. But the firefighters, led by Captains Pritchard and Rodgers, are committed to seeing it through. 

Captains Steven Pritchard and Matthew Harrington review information shared by a Yancey County resident who points out potential areas where the team may find a missing individual.

Captains Steven Pritchard and Matthew Harrington review information shared by a Yancey County resident who points out potential areas where the team may find a missing individual.

"My hope is to provide as much closure as we can to these families," Pritchard said. "It’s hard on them, and it’s hard on us, but if we can help them find even a small sense of peace, then we’ve done our job." 

For the residents of Yancey County, the work of Charlotte Fire is a beacon of hope in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. The search for missing loved ones continues, and thanks to the selflessness of these firefighters, there is light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel. 

The Task Force 3 flag, bearing the names of Charlotte Fire's crew members, symbolizes their unity and dedication to helping those affected by Hurricane Helene.

The Task Force 3 flag, bearing the names of Charlotte Fire's crew members, symbolizes their unity and dedication to helping those affected by Hurricane Helene.


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