In November 2006, the Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC) adopted the 2030 Transit Corridor System Plan. This long-range plan consists of multiple rapid transit improvements in five corridors, a series of Center City improvements, and bus service and facility improvements throughout the region.
CATS implemented the first line of the 2030 Plan with the opening of the Blue Line light rail service in the South Corridor in 2007. In March 2018, the Blue Line Extension opened to serve the Northeast Corridor. In 2015, CATS opened the first phase of the Gold Line streetcar service, and Phase 2 of the Gold Line streetcar opened in 2021.
CATS continues to advance planning and design in the remaining transit corridors.
In November 2016, the MTC approved and adopted a light rail alignment for the Southeast corridor.
In February 2019, as the result of the System Update, the MTC approved recommendations for a North Corridor strategy including Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and commuter rail; and a West Corridor light rail alignment, connecting through Center City to the Southeast as one continuous light rail corridor, the Silver Line.
In September 2019, the MTC adopted an extension of the Blue Line to connect to the Town of Pineville and the Ballantyne area in south Charlotte.
As each corridor advances further in design, additional refinements to the alignment and station locations continue to be approved by the MTC. Additional detailed information can be found on each project page.