48 Years of Public Transit in Charlotte

Published on June 24, 2024

Brenda Moore posing in front of CATS bus

Brandon Hunter Professional headshot.png
by Brandon T Hunter
Communications Division

Brenda's Journey Throughout the Years

Today marks a significant milestone for public transit in Charlotte as we celebrate the 48th anniversary of public transit in our region. Transit has been a vital part of the Charlotte community long before the formation of CATS. This occasion is made even more special by honoring Brenda Moore, a dedicated bus operator who has been at the wheel from the very beginning. Brenda’s remarkable journey in public transit leaves an unforgettable mark on our community. 

Brenda’s journey in public transit began with a moment of inspiration. “When I first saw a lady driving a bus, I made up my mind right then that I wanted to do that too,” she recalls. This simple yet profound decision set her on a path that would span more than four decades, filled with countless memories and impactful moments. 

Brenda Moore posing alongside a CATS colleague When asked about what has motivated her to stay in this industry for so long, Brenda’s answer is heartfelt. “I love people. Meeting different people every day, helping those who need it. I also have learned a little Spanish from my passengers. It’s all about the love of people and the love of God inside me,” she shares. Her genuine care for others and dedication to service have been the driving forces behind her long and fulfilling career. 

Over the past 48 years, Brenda has witnessed significant changes in public transit. “When I first started, we drove cream-colored buses and picked up school kids. Now, we have electric buses, which is amazing,” she notes. The evolution of the buses is just one aspect; changes in management, rules and even the impact of COVID-19 have all shaped the landscape of public transit. Despite these changes, Brenda’s commitment to her passengers remains unwavering. 

One particularly touching memory is of a passenger who became ill on her bus. “The way I handled it and the passenger coming back to thank me – that has always stayed with me,” Brenda says. Her empathy and quick thinking have often made a significant difference in the lives of her passengers. 

Brenda has seen the needs and expectations of passengers change over the years. From longer service hours to the introduction of smaller buses in certain neighborhoods, public transit has continually adapted to better serve the community. Brenda believes that treating passengers with respect and kindness is key. “If you treat your passengers well, they will treat you well. They’ll even stand up for you if there’s trouble,” she emphasizes. 

Brenda Moore posing in CATS break room Brenda Moore posing alongside a CATS colleague



For those just starting a career in public transit, Brenda has valuable advice. “You’ve got to love people and have a strong work ethic. Be on time, check your brakes thoroughly and always be polite and professional,” she advises. Brenda’s emphasis on safety and professionalism has earned her numerous safety awards over the years, a testament to her dedication and excellence. 

Brenda Moore posing alongside a CATS colleague


Looking back on her career, Brenda is proud of the impact she has made. “I hope I leave my passengers and colleagues with the memory of how well I treated them and the love I showed every day,” she reflects. Brenda has formed deep friendships with operators, dispatchers, radio operators and supervisors, but Brenda is not ready to leave just yet. She has plan to continue on as long as she can. 

Today, we celebrate not just the 48th anniversary of public transit in Charlotte but also the incredible journey of Brenda. Her story is a shining example of the difference one person can make through love, dedication and a commitment to serving others. Thank you, Brenda, for your 48 years of exceptional service and the many more to come. 


Brenda Moore posing in front of the CATS bus lot

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